Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cheese Powder Ala Ala Cheezy Wedges

HANYA CAMPURKAN BERSAMA AIR PANAS...(anggaran 10x bancuhan - 200gram)

Special cheese powder adalah sama rasanya seperti KFC cheezy wedges. Sesuai dimakan bersama kentang, burger, nugget, keropok, ayam goreng, chicken chop, lamb chop, spaghetti, macaroni dan lain- lain lagi.


Susu Padat, Modified Starch, maltodekstrin, Dextrose, Garam, Mineral Garam, Sayuran Serbuk, Keju Padat, Flavour Enhancer, Lemak nabati, Glukosa Cair Padat, Makanan Asam, Flavourings, Mineral Garam, Rempah-rempah, Ekstrak Ragi, Agen Anti-caking, Spice Extract, colour

Arahan Bancuhan

1) Tambah 1 bahagian Premix untuk 2 bahagian air panas (> 85 ° C) dan kacau rata hingga sebati
2) Campur mayonis atau sos untuk lebih sedap.


Ketika belum dibuka, simpan di lokasi, bersih sejuk, kering..

Disahkan Halal
Sijil Pengesahan Halal JAKIM No.Siri 010653

Buatan Malaysia

Special Cheese Powder  Special cheese powder adalah sama rasenye seperti KFC cheezy wedges. Sesuai dimakan bersama kentang,burger, nugget, keropok, ayam goreng, chicken chop, lamb chop, spaghetti, macaroni dan lain- lain lagi.

Harga : RM13.00

Berat : 200g
Postage : RM6 wm, RM10 em

Untuk tempahan, klik sini
atau sms/ whatsapp : 010-5437705

LIKE Fan page : Elisya Baker


RM8.00 (Postage : RM6 wm, RM10 em)

Tengahari ni nak masak apa yer ??

Erm..rasanya.buat sayur pecal sedap jugak ni kan..

Kalu dulu2 pikir byk kali jugak bila tiba2 terliur nak mkn pecal..bukan apa..nak sediakan bahan2 dia tu yg amkk.masa sikit..yer lah nak kene goreng kacang dulu..pastu tumbuk.lagi..huhu..

SEKARANG..alhamdulilah masalah dah di atasi..dengan adanya PECAL RANGUP NURUL..keje menjadi sangat2 mudah....

Hanya tuangkan air panas ke dalam pecal rangup nurul dan kacau mengikut kepekatan yg kita nak..tak perlu lagi masukkan garam atau serbuk perasa...

Sangat2 mudahkann..yang penting SEDAPPPP...ada cekur tau yg buatkan rasanya lagi sedapp..

Untuk tempahan, klik sini

atau sms/ whatsapp : 010-5437705

LIKE Fan page : Elisya Baker

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Sambal Terangup No. 1 di Malaysia

Menjadi kegemaran rakyat Malaysia

Berat : 300g

Boleh dijadikan sebagai breakfast bersama roti, makan tengahari dan malam bersama nasi atau dimakan begitu sahaja

Sesuai untuk dibawa "travelling" seperti mengerjaan haji ke Mekah mahupun melancong

Untuk tempahan, klik sini

atau sms/ whatsapp : 010-5437705

LIKE Fan page : Elisya Baker

Oat Choco Chocolate Twinfish Ready Stock

[War of Oat Choco]
We are proud to be the first to introduce in Malaysia such tasty and healthy snack as the Oat Choco. “Twinfish” OAT Choco was first brought into the market in May 2013.
As of today, there are more than 16 brands of the similar product.

Some of them copy our design of the packaging, while some copy the wordings, descriptions… etc. At least one of these brands copied the entire design, down to every descriptive words.
We are flattered that they have to resort to passing off as “Twinfish” OAT Choco in order to market their products.
We have bought all of these samples and did blind tests/tasting with our own staff, friends and some customers. We are glad that our “Twinfish” Oat Choco was picked as the most “tasty” on every occasion.
Price war has started among these brands, offering super low selling prices. High price may not necessarily equate to high quality, but low price will certainly mean low quality.
Some considerations to ponder when buying OAT Choco:
- Hygiene of factories that produce the snack
- Certification of factories like Halal, GMP or HACCP
- Quality of ingredients
- Laboratory tests conducted on regular basis
- Whether the product contains trans fatty acid, which is unhealthy
Brand awareness among Malysian consumers may not be strong but for food product like Oat Choco that you and your family eat and ingest, would you want to take the risk? We would not.
Why "TWINFISH" Oat Choco costs more than other similar products in the market?
Because we use only the best quality ingredients to create the tasty and healthy snacks that you have always been looking for.
For a start, Oat flakes comes in many quality and we uses only grade 3A which is of highest quality and thus higher cost.

Secondly, we ensure two crucial ingredients, namely cocoa butter replacer and non-dairy creamer are free from trans fat (or trans fatty acid).
We would like to make more profit but putting the health of our consumers at risk is not one of our business principles.
You can read more about why consuming too much trans fat is not good to our health here:

To order, click here

or sms/ whatsapp/ telegram 010-5437705

LIKE Fan page : Elisya Baker